
There is a sense of the sweep and adventures of my life from childhood until now, but it is far more alliterative than figurative. There are places I have been, people I have known, things I have done - and there is me, contemplating the whole art thing there on the right.

But this is an immersive whole rather than any careful analysis. I did get to enjoy revisiting many wonderful ideas of design - using my architectural drawing skills once again - and explored the traditional and historical arts of many areas.

I feel there is a real flavour of myself, without any careful linear story.

And any life story has to be made up of many pieces, not just one canvas. Plus I love comic book panels!

(It is also littered with quotes from all my favourite authors, relative to events at all these stages of my life.)


Acrylic on canvas

2 m x 1.25 m

2000 x 1250 mm

For sale: $2400